465635435The CEO of Coes s.r.l., aware that the prerequisite condition for success is customer satisfaction, identifies as a strategic objective for the company the identification and maintenance of a management system for quality, articulated in various phases, which is able to:

– determine the needs and expectations of customers and other stakeholders
– supply products that satisfy the customer’s and the statutory requirements
– determine the objectives that allow for constant improvement in order to increase customer satisfaction.

In order to obtain such defined targets, the President of Coes s.r.l. strives to fully support the process of introduction, development, maintenance, and improvement of quality in the company, providing the Managing Directors with full authority and ample powers in the management of the Company, including the implementation, development, and improvement of the efficacy of the Quality Management Program.

In view of this, the President has tasked the Directors with the following:
– establish a quality policy, to be regularly updated and communicated at all levels of the company structure,
– verify that the quality policy is received, understood and implemented by the whole company organization,
– define quality objectives,
– ensure availability of necessary resources for the attainment of the planned objectives,
– conduct regular reviews to verify the attainment of the planned objectives.

The Quality Assurance Manager reports to the Directors and receives full power and autonomy to arrange the necessary measures for the execution, long-term retention and continuous improvement of the Quality Assurance System.
It is his responsibility to try and strengthen the self-assessment approach, increasing both the responsible planning and the monitoring and evaluation of results based on data and indicators, paying particular attention to the improvement actions to undertake, and taking into account that any organizational measure has to lie on the PDCA virtuous cycle (plan, do, check, act).
The quality manual, together with the associated procedures and instructions, has been formulated in accordance with EN ISO 9001:2015 regulation. It defines the aim of the Quality Assurance System, and the existing relations between the processes that form the structure of the Quality System.
Constant effort is required at every level of the organization to embrace the quality policy, in order to achieve ever more ambitious objectives, through a constantly improving quality management system.

Certificates are available on request.


Its employees health and safety and respect for the environment and the customers are COES’ s primary commitment.
For these reasons, undertaking the journey to the certification of its own environmental and health and safety management, in compliance with UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 and UNI ISO 45001:2018 regulations, represents for COES a logical step, which is aimed at obtaining the recognition for the everyday care placed when dealing with activities with more secure operating procedures, for the purpose of preventing accidents and environmental impacts, and for the safeguard of the employees’ health and the environment.

“Development that satisfies the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to satisfy their own needs”
Definition of sustainable development - Report of UN World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) - Published in 1987

484036751The commitment is required from all employees because the responsibility of managing the Environment and Health and Safety at work lies on the entire company organization, from the Management up to every single employee, each according to his individual task and competence. This includes all those working on behalf of COES, visitors, or other collaborators that access operating sites, that by having acknowledged the current security policy distributed to them, are informed and aware of the commitments undertaken by COES SRL.

COES SRL priorities on the execution of its own tasks in compliance with the legislation, and with all requirements related to the Environment and Health and Safety in the execution of the activities maintaining as a primary objective the limitation of environmental impacts, and the avoidance of workplace accidents or the outbreak of occupational illnesses.

The action of an Environmental and Health and Safety program, in addition to the Quality Management System, involves COES commitment to continuous improvement, planning and execution of its activities, by anticipating the needs involved in managing the Environmental and Safety, and by defining, regularly revising, and disseminating the policy, objectives and goals with which the company should measure the achievements of the work undertaken, and by considering the Environment and workplace Health and Safety, and the respective results as an integral part of the business management.

Staff training and education, just as the involvement and participation of the employees in the Environmental and Health and Safety program, are considered essential instruments to obtain the awareness and the attention of all on the themes that fall into the daily commitment, for working in safety conditions means working well. On the other hand, the human and material resources necessary to work safely will always be adequate to sustain the high-level professionalism that characterizes our interventions.

COES srl deemed it appropriate to introduce a system that guarantees the respect of the Environment, the Health and Safety of its workers, and it strives to:

− introduce and maintain an active management system complying with ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 45001:2018 legislations, targeted at the continuous improvement of the environmental and safety management program;
− prevent pollution and safeguard natural resources;
− involve and empower all its staff in relation to the quality of their own work and to the necessity to pursue a constant improvement of the Environmental and Safety program;
− empower the Function Managers so that they can ensure the implementation of the company policy and the maintenance of the Environmental and Safety program in total efficiency;
− optimize the utilization of energy resources.

COES Management is committed to ensure that the policy and the company’s objectives outlined above are understood, implemented, and maintained at all company levels, by setting the following objectives:

− protect the soil and subsoil, by keeping under control potential sources of pollution, and by adopting adequate measures to control activities;
− pursue optimal utilization of energy resources, by monitoring practices, through technological improvement, and by raising awareness among the staff;
− share with the suppliers of goods and services the common objective of environmental improvement and health and safety protection;
− provide necessary and adequate human and material resources, encouraging the dialogue with the interested parties, particularly its employees, to better understand the effects on the environment and the risks connected to its own production activities.